During the holiday shopping season, credit card perks can be a valuable way to save money. While well-known perks like lounge access and elite status get a lot of attention, there are other, less-heralded benefits on your credit cards that can help you save a significant amount of money. These benefits often come in the form of targeted offers, rebates, or spending credits. In this article, we will explore how to save money during the holidays using these hidden credit card perks.
Credit card issuers, such as American Express, Bank of America, Capital One, Chase, and Citi, offer various targeted promotions and deals that can be added to your credit card. After adding an offer to your card and using that same credit card to make a purchase with the participating merchant, you can receive a rebate or bonus. These offers typically come in different formats, such as receiving a certain amount of money back, a percentage of cash back, bonus points, or extra bonus points for each dollar spent with a particular merchant.
It is important to note that these offers require adding them to your credit card in advance and using the same card to make an eligible purchase. Additionally, make sure to read the terms of the offers to ensure your purchases will trigger the rebate. Some offers may require specific conditions, such as paying at the pump for gas station offers or meeting the spending threshold in a single transaction to receive the rebate. Keep in mind that these offers are targeted, meaning not everyone will see the same offers, and offers on one credit card may not be available on another card from the same bank.
Let’s take a closer look at some of the current offers available through Amex Offers, BankAmeriDeals, Capital One Offers, Chase Offers, and Citi Merchant Offers to understand how you can save money during the holidays using these perks.
Amex Offers is one of the most well-known credit card merchant offers programs. The offers tend to be robust, with longer timeframes to complete the spending requirements. Many offers allow you to complete the spending over multiple transactions. Some current offers include JetBlue (spend $200, get $40 back), Hilton (spend $750 or more, get $150 back), and Marriott Bonvoy (get 20% back on purchases, up to $250).
BankAmeriDeals are available to Bank of America cardholders. Some current offers include Petsmart (8% back), eBay (5% off), and H&M (5% back). These offers provide cash back at eligible merchants, and you need to add the deal to your eligible card before making a purchase.
Capital One Offers are available to Capital One cardholders. Some current offers include HSN (9% back), Temu (up to 14% back), and Hawaiian Airlines (2% back). Capital One Offers function differently than other programs, and you must follow a specific link to the merchant’s website within 24 hours to receive the cash back.
Chase Offers are available on all Chase credit cards and debit cards. These offers tend to have shorter lifespans and don’t apply across multiple charges. Some current offers include IHG Hotels & Resorts (10% cash back when you spend $100 or more), YouTube TV ($20 cash back when you spend $50.99 or more), and Stanley (10% cash back).
Citi Merchant Offers are available to most Citi credit cardholders. Some current offers include Lyft (5% back), Home Depot (5% back), and Sephora (5% back). These offers can vary depending on the specific Citi credit card you have.
To take advantage of these offers, you need to add them to your credit card before making a purchase. Make sure to read the terms and conditions of each offer to understand the spending thresholds and maximum cash back or points you can receive.
In conclusion, credit card perks can be a valuable way to save money during the holiday shopping season. Targeted offers, rebates, and spending credits offered by credit card issuers can help you save a significant amount of money. By adding these offers to your credit card and using the same card to make eligible purchases, you can receive cash back, bonus points, or discounts. Make sure to read the terms and conditions of each offer and understand the specific requirements to trigger the rebate. Take advantage of these hidden credit card perks to save money during the holidays and make your shopping experience more affordable.